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June 16, 2023

Solar Victoria Approved Battery List to Enhance Your Solar Panel System

In the fiscal year 2023-24, a total of 4,500 interest-free loans, each with a maximum value of up to $8,800, will be available. As you contemplate the advantages of a solar battery for increased control over your self-genera
June 16, 2023

Top 9 Brands of Solar Panels in Australia

In an age where the world is embracing renewable energy, solar power has taken center stage. Solar panels, in particular, have become an essential component for harnessing clean and sustainable electricity. With numerous opt
June 16, 2023

Hot Water Rebate – Everything You Should Know

Hot water systems play a pivotal role in our daily lives, and they're one of the most significant energy consumers in our homes, responsible for about 21 percent of our total energy usage, on average (according to YourHome).

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